Association of Development Communication

Conferences, Seminars & Events

ADC jointly organized a National Seminar

On August 27 – 28th 2019, the Association of Development Communication, in collaboration with the Department of Anthropology, University of Hyderabad, UNESCO Chair on Community Media,  Department of Communication, Sarojini Naidu School of Arts and Communication, University of Hyderabad organised a National Seminar on “Culture, Communication, and India’s Development” and discussed development communication in the context of culture. The seminar was organized at the University of Hyderabad campus.  Participants include a good number of Ph.D. scholars from different parts of India cutting across the discipline of social sciences, communication sciences, and development studies. The seminar was dedicated to Dr. Binod C. Agrawal, a known name in anthropology and communication research.  For his health problem, Dr. Agrawal could not participate and addressed the audience online.

The Seminar was organized in six sectional groups that discussed the issues related to the Culture, Cultural Context of Development, Communication and Development, Communication and Health, Community Radio, and Media. The seminar started with a presentation on the historical account of Culture, Communication and Development, tracing its link from the first International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (ICAES) in London in 1934 that established the stages of the role of communication in the development process.

Altogether there were more than 30 research papers from various parts of the country, majorly written based on first experience and the empirical data collected by the scholars themselves. The scholars discussed the concept of development that has undergone change and the case of communication with the emergent new technology engendering several media in active circulation that reflect upon the society, culture, and communication as a whole in the context of development in India. Furthermore, the new areas of research such as the clash of cultures and phatic communication, social media, and impact of social networks on mental health, etc. were discussed as newer leads to the researchers in the area of Development Communication.  Selected papers are being published in form of an edited book.

Seminar in progress
Dr. Ruchi Tewari receiving memento for Dr. Agrawal
Seminar Speakers and Guests