Association of Development Communication

What We're All About

The only multilateral forum in a developing country like India that has evolved and adapted to the changes and growth of the communication ecosystem – both nationally and globally.

Communication is the key

The role of communication is to facilitate processes with the aim to grow and develop from the existing situations. People being an inherent part of the communication ecosystem, need to be mobilized and the domain must work upon them for the collective growth and development of individuals and the planet at large. This can be made possible by strengthening the facets of knowledge generation, dissemination, and utilization.


The Association of Development Communication aims to bring together people with similar goals and collectively work towards achieving development goals.

Dr Binod C Agarwal
Our Vision

Who We Are

History of the Association of Development Communication (ADC)

In  1986,  India hosted IAMCR in New Delhi,,  the event conceived the association of development communication (ADC) considering the growing interest in development communication as a sub-section of communication. ADC was emerged as a result of Indian participants thinking about the need for an academic body on development communication creating and fostering a culture and research in the domain and equipping young scholars and communication scientists to contribute to the domain at an international level. . The present outline of the Association of Development Communication (ADC) was conceptualized and founded by senior academicians, researchers and scientists pursuing their interest in development communication. The Association was registered in 2018 in Ahmedabad.

ADC – the only multilateral forum in a developing country like India that has evolved and adapted to the changes and growth of the communication ecosystem – both nationally and globally. It has been nurtured and furthered by eminent communication scientists across the country and its activities are designed, planned, and executed by a band of enthusiastic researchers and academicians.  The Association plans to become an international body by inviting communication professionals from all across.

The ADC aspires to create an important impact on a broad range of development communication covering the use of communication for an egalitarian society and enhancing social consciousness among the communication practitioners by helping through research and training programmes. It also aims at supporting the young communication professionals committed to using it for the benefit of the Planet, its People, and their Progress. The plan is to achieve these goals by organizing their exposure to national and international forums. This would help ADC to push further its long-established partnership with leading media associations like the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and work to build robust networks in the communication and media domain.

It also hopes to mobilize the national and international communication fraternity to discuss the role of all forms of communication in the development of society and extends a helping hand to secure a healthy environment for the growth of pluralistic values of communication in India  and other developing countries.

The Association reaches out to the larger communication network with a request to join hands to generate an environment of change and use strategic communication for strengthening the value-loaded stream of communication where people are at the core.

Once the Association has members from different parts of India and abroad, it plans to open State Units (SU) that will be coordinated by respective Regional Units (RU) with a similar organisational structure and full autonomy.

The regional units and the state units will be supported by the National Unit in their academic as well as organisational pursuits.

Our Objectives

Action Points

To mobilize the global communication and media community

to discuss and promote Development Communication.

To create an impact on a broad range of development communication fields

covering among others, the promotion of media pluralism, development of community media and organizations, and training of media professionals in development communication.

To realize effective development communication projects

that empower people to gain equitable access to knowledge and express themselves through free and pluralistic media.